About Us

Animalkind is a non-profit organization that works to end animal experiments.

An estimated 192 million animals are used in animal experiments worldwide each year. These are dogs, monkeys, rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats and other animals used in various types of experiments. Keeping animals locked up and denying them their freedom to behave naturally and deliberately causing pain in the name of science is unacceptable. Other animals are sentient beings that can experience pain, fear, loneliness, frustration and sadness. It is therefore morally wrong to exploit animals. For that reason, Animalkind opposes animal testing.

Animalkind's primary task is to be a voice for laboratory animals, but we also get involved in other animal issues when the opportunity arises.

We review the animal experiments and examine what the animals' lives look like in the laboratories. Animalkind works to raise public awareness of animal testing, to promote positive solutions that advance humane science, and to support the development of more innovative, humane and effective research methods. We try to create media attention and run thoughtful campaigns, and through this we hope to motivate decision makers and other compassionate people to make a difference for the animals used in painful animal experiments.

Animalkind has a committed team with great empathy and expertise in campaign work, research and lobbying. We hope to inspire others to stand up for animals and are happy to collaborate with like-minded individuals, groups and organizations to bring about change that helps end unnecessary animal suffering. 

Despite growing public concern about the plight of laboratory animals and the increasing availability of more animal-free and humanely relevant research methods, animals are still used in cruel and unreliable experiments. Animalkind is here to change that and take the case of laboratory animals and put an end to animal testing once and for all.

Founder’s Story

Ever since childhood, Daniel has loved animals and for over three decades he has been committed to them in various ways. Among other things, he has sat on the federal board for the national animal rights organization Djurens rätt (Animal Rights), ran animal shelters, worked with injured wild animals and between 2005 - 2022 he was the CEO of the organization Djurrättsalliansen (The Animal rights Alliance), which he also founded. In 2023, he started the organization Animalkind, whose main focus is to work against animal experiments. Laboratory animals in particular are a matter of the heart for Daniel, who himself worked undercover at several vivisection laboratories to reveal how the animals are treated behind closed doors.

Among other things, he has been the driving force in closing down all breeders of cats and dogs for animal experiments in Sweden and revealed that the pharmaceutical company Astra Zeneca would euthanize around 300 dogs and initiated a campaign to save them. He took the initiative and started a campaign to draw attention to the painful animal experiments on labradors at the University of Gothenburg and managed to get them to stop using dogs. He found out about and started a campaign to stop the intended animal testing laboratory SWECCLIM in Sweden and it was stopped before it was ever started.

Daniel is particularly passionate about the monkeys used in animal experiments. His first demonstration against vivisection he participated in was back in 1991 and was specifically against animal experiments on monkeys in Stockholm and he has continued ever since. One of the things he is most pleased to have accomplished is to have been involved in successfully rescuing the three lab monkeys Bacill, Bacillusk and Baloo from the same laboratory.

His passion and dedication to making the world a better place for all living things has also inspired others to do what they can to help animals. He has also acted as a consultant to many people and groups who wanted to get involved for animals, in Sweden and internationally.

His commitment to the animals does not end with the laboratory animals. In the early 90s, he started the organization Save the dolphins to close Kolmården's dolphinarium and has never stopped fighting for them. He has also strongly committed himself to the country's fur farms and was the driving force in closing the last chinchilla farm in Sweden in 2014 and saving the remaining 243 chinchillas on the farm. Daniel has worked undercover and documented, filmed and photographed inside laboratories, animal factories, fur farms, circuses and zoos - both in Sweden and abroad.

Through his investigative work, he has, among other things, managed to collect evidence that has resulted in fur farms being shut down, sexual abuse of animals banned and animal experiments been halted.

Now the fight for animals continues with Animalkind!

Support Us

With your support Animalkind can stop animal experiments. By becoming a member of Animalkind, you’re adding your voice to the many others calling for animal rights! With your help, we can grow and become stronger.

The more resources Animalkind has, the more animals we can do something for – your help is invaluable. 

Would you like to support Animalkind? Memberships help us achieve more results for the animals and are greatly appreciated! The cost is 300 SEK/year.

One time donations can also be made via bank transfer:

IBAN: SE73 9500 0099 6018 2122 4332


Bank: Nordea

Paypal: daniel@animalkind.se

Contact Us

You can get in touch with Animalkind in several different ways. We would love to hear from you!


Box 347

116 29 Stockholm, Sweden

Email: info@animalkind.se

Phone: +46 (0)736 159 196

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